How Can Orthodontics Fix My Bite

When you think of the orthodontist, what comes to mind? A mouth full of metal braces? A beautiful, straight smile? While straightening teeth is one of the amazing outcomes of great orthodontic care, one of the other concerns that orthodontics can solve is problems with your bite, also called malocclusion. 

Malocclusion is when the jaw is not aligned correctly, resulting in a jutting chin or lips, or teeth that clash in an unhealthy way. Dr. Grubaugh at Grubaugh Orthodontics is an expert at solving problems with bites through orthodontics, resulting in a stunning smile and saving you from other oral challenges down the road.  

Most Common Kinds of Bite Problems

There are several common malocclusions, like overbites, underbites, open bites, or crossbites. These come about for various reasons, including a small lower jaw or other genetic components, or behaviors like thumb-sucking as a child. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to address these jaw malocclusions to avoid problems later.

Why It’s Important to Fix Your Bite Issue

There are two primary reasons to have an orthodontist help you fix your bite problem. First, jaw misalignment can result in uncomfortable health problems that could develop anytime over the course of your life. Some people have pain with eating, chewing, and biting due to excess wear on the teeth and enamel. Others have headaches, earaches, and TMJ pain. Crooked teeth can also be the cause of tooth decay or gum disease. Food and bacteria can get trapped in hard-to-reach spaces, resulting in cavities or gingivitis.

The other reason for fixing a bite is cosmetic. Jaw issues can create weak or jutting jawlines that might make you self-conscious about your appearance. Resolving jaw issues through orthodontics can also improve your face shape and confidence!

How Bites Can Be Fixed With Orthodontics

One of the goals of orthodontic care is to align the teeth and jaw. Dr. Grubaugh can use a few different methods to accomplish that goal, depending on your unique mouth shape and bite. 

Clear or metal braces are a great option for more severe cases of malocclusion. The braces, along with rubber bands, can work to slowly pull the jaw into proper alignment, resulting in straighter teeth and an aligned jaw. 

Invisalign retainers can also help less severe bite problems, and might be recommended by Dr. Grubaugh after he has evaluated your jaw and specified a treatment plan.

How Can Orthodontics Fix My BiteLet’s Get Your Bite Fixed!

Regardless of your bite challenges, there is a solution awaiting you at Grubaugh Orthodontics. With two convenient locations in Lansing and DeWitt, it will be easy to get started on fixing your bite! Call either of the offices to schedule your free consultation!